Renew Jordan Creek is...

Renew Jordan Creek is a transformative project to restore the historic Jordan Creek as it flows through the heart of downtown Springfield. The project’s primary objectives are to reduce flood damages to property and infrastructure from recurrent flooding, renew this area of downtown for enhanced economic development, and improve water quality in Jordan Creek.

Phase 1 of the daylighting effort will construct a new open, naturalized channel along approximately 1,000 linear feet of Jordan Creek and will restore adjacent land as green space with native riparian plantings.

Project Update:

Project construction began in late 2024 and is expected to ramp up in mid-January with a variety of road closures anticipated nearby the construction zone.

Read more about the construction.

Meetings & Events:

Monday, Oct. 21 | 4:30-6:00 p.m.

The project team hosted a public information session about the upcoming construction of Phase 1 of the Renew Jordan Creek daylighting project on Monday, Oct. 21.

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What are the project goals?

Renew Jordan Creek is envisioned to serve as an urban amenity within Springfield that will encourage private redevelopment in this part of downtown. Project components include:
white outline of path or road and trees

Sense of Place Development

The project design will create a strong sense of place, grounded in the specific characteristics of its site, and celebrate the integration of nature and urban life.

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Flood Reduction and Water Quality Improvement

As the first piece of a larger project that will protect existing buildings from the base flood, Renew Jordan Creek must be a functional space that conveys flood flows to reduce existing flood issues. The design of the urban amenity must also be conscious of existing water quality issues and provide solutions to reduce polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.

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Pedestrian and Connectivity Enhancements

Pedestrian access and greenway connectivity will be improved through downtown, and hardscape elements for pedestrian gathering, walking and viewing will be added.

white outline of tree and park bench

Comfort and Safety Improvements

Site furnishings, lighting, accessories and art installations will provide for a comfortable, stimulating and safe environment that accommodates planned and organic activities.

white outline of tree and park bench

Sustainable Greenspaces Integration

To honor the environmental features of this area, landscaping will demonstrate and promote sustainability. Plant materials will be Missouri natives that are well suited for Ozark landscapes near water features and complementary to other nearby urban greenspaces.

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Economic Development Catalyst

To ensure public dollars spent on this project are well leveraged to encourage private development in the surrounding downtown Springfield area, this Plan took a deep dive into area demographics and the economic and market factors at play. Potential surrounding catalyst development sites are identified alongside the developed urban amenity concept.


Phase 1 of Renew Jordan Creek is estimated to cost approximately $38 million for both design and construction.This also includes the replacement of the Main Avenue Bridge and the extension of box culverts through IDEA Commons to Phelps Street. The project will be funded through a combination of local and state/federal funding. Local sources include the City’s Level Property Tax, 1/4-cent Capital Improvement Sales Tax, 1/8-cent Transportation Sales Tax and Environmental Services Green Infrastructure project funds. External funding includes local ARPA dollars as well as Department of Natural Resources and Department of Economic Development ARPA funding. The project is also partially funded by EPA Section 319 grant, DNR NRDAR grant and SRF Loan funds.

Project Team