
Construction of the Renew Jordan Creek Phase I project began in late 2024 and is scheduled to last approximately two years with a completion date forecasted in late 2026. Local traffic and access to businesses, residences and parking will be maintained throughout construction. However, the public may be directed to access a property nearby the work zone from a certain direction for a period of time. Construction is expected to impact through traffic nearby the work site for a large portion of the project duration.

Construction Update - Jan. 8, 2025

Major construction of Renew Jordan Creek daylighting project set to begin in January

Renew Jordan Creek Phase I construction is expected to ramp up in mid-January with a variety of road closures anticipated nearby the construction zone.

The following street and sidewalk closures are anticipated:

  • Campbell Avenue – Water Street to Mill Street:
    Campbell Avenue is anticipated to close to traffic and pedestrians between Water and Mill streets for approximately two weeks beginning the first week of February. A primary detour route will be posted directing northbound through traffic on Campbell west on College Street, then north on Grant Avenue to Chestnut Expressway. A secondary detour route will direct traffic east on Olive Street, then north on Boonville.

    A longer-term closure of Campbell Avenue is anticipated to begin in early summer.
  • Water Street – Campbell Avenue to Boonville Avenue:
    Water Street will close permanently between Campbell and Boonville avenues beginning the week of Jan. 20. This portion of Water Street will serve as a vital staging area for supplies and equipment during construction. At project completion, it will function as a pedestrian-only overlook space that can be opened to host food trucks and special events.
  • Water Street – Boonville Avenue to Jefferson Avenue:
    Water Street is expected to close to through traffic between Boonville and Jefferson avenues in February or March for City Utilities Gas and Water crews to construct infrastructure improvements related to the Renew Jordan Creek project. Access will be maintained to all businesses and properties in the work zone. This work is expected to last approximately three months. Additional information will be communicated as details become available.

Tentative Schedule of Next Steps to Construction

October/November 2024 - Continue Public Outreach​

The project team will continue public outreach to downtown residents, business & property owners and stakeholders to continue to inform on the expected construction timeline and impacts.

October/November 2024 - Utility Work & Equipment Mobilization

City Utilities will conduct necessary utility work on Olive Street between Campbell and Patton Alley and along Water Street between Campbell & Boonville and Boonville & Jefferson.

November 2024 - GMP & SRF Loan to go before City Council

The Guaranteed Maximum Price (GMP) provided by Branco and final agreements to utilize State Revolving Fund (SRF) loans expected to go before City Council.

January 2025 - Begin Major Construction

The project team expects to begin the first closure phases, including the full closure of Campbell Avenue in January to begin major construction on the project. 

Spring 2025 – Estimated Begin of Long-term Campbell Closure Phase

Campbell Avenue will close to traffic for approximately one year between Water and Mill streets. Work will include the demolition of the existing Campbell Avenue bridge and removal of existing box culvert in the northwest quadrant of the project area. Construction of a new culvert bridge and construction of elements for temporary diversion of the flow of Jordan Creek will take place.

Fall 2025-Fall 2026 – Estimated Boonville Closure Phase

Anticipated to begin around the fall of 2025, Boonville Avenue will close to traffic between Water Street and Mill Street for the demolition of Boonville Avenue and Missouri State University east parking lot and installation of new box culvert, sanitary sewer system extension, creek diversion and Railroad Crossing work.

Late 2026 – Estimated Construction Completion

Oct. 21 Public Information Session

The project team hosted a public information session about the upcoming construction of Phase 1 of the Renew Jordan Creek daylighting project on Monday, Oct. 21.

Ongoing Area Business Outreach

The City is conducting outreach to area businesses who may be directly impacted by project construction. If you are a business or property owner who would like to schedule a one-on-one meeting with the City, please contact Project Manager Kirkland Preston: