Jordan Creek Master Plan

Community engagement for the Renew Jordan Creek Master Plan began in January 2021 with the launch of an interactive project website and city-wide visioning survey that collected more than 600 responses. Input from the public visioning round was then utilized in an intensive and highly collaborative concept design process involving a Renew Jordan Creek Stakeholder Team. The Stakeholder Team represented a diverse group of interests including downtown businesses, property owners, developers and agencies as well as technical experts in environmental, engineering and architectural design fields. In April, the preliminary concepts developed by the Stakeholder Team were then taken to the community through a virtual open house gathering more than 120 comments. After further concept development by the stakeholders, the Olsson consultant team developed the proposed plan and site concept renderings.

Olsson incorporated final feedback from the community into a final master plan document presented to City Council in the summer of 2021. The City then proceeded to the engineering design stage for the Phase 1 project site. Improvements at Founders Park and the 404 N. Jefferson Avenue property will be further considered at a later date.

Why are we looking at Founders Park?

The project provides us with an important opportunity to include Founders Park in the greater Renew Jordan Creek master planning project to reinvigorate the park and capitalize on the park’s location and connectivity to the Jordan Creek greenway. Please note that construction costs to enhance Founders Park are not funded at this time.

Master Plan Site Video Tours

Public Engagement Review

While the public engagement component has been completed, the materials created for each event can be revisited by clicking the icons below.